Well the last week of Summer Mixed Comp is here... GNA would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a FANTASTIC Christmas break and an EXCITING new year. We hope that you have enjoyed playing this year and we look forward to seeing you again next year. Approx start date will be 4th October 2011.
Don't forget to hang back for your teams Free BBQ and if you umpired this season you can pick up your remuneration from the Office just inside the club house....
Final Draw
Crocodiles v Just Chillin UMP CSF x 2
Shot Ducks V Gladiators UMP No Name Yet
The Benchwarmers V Mixed Nuts UMP Sian & Rhiannon
Cougars V Combinations UMP Sharrna
Easy Beats V Splashers UMP Sarah & Shayla
CSF V Desperados UMP Crocodiles
Shooters V No Name Yet UMP Shot Ducks
Silver Bullets V Maddawgs UMP Sharrna & Just Chillin
A Team V Randomz UMP Sian & Combinations
Sandras Team V The Incredibles UMP Cougars x 2